About Me

Hey there!

I'm Khoa, a senior at Cal majoring in Computer Science, with expected graduation date this December. I also like Math, Stats, Econ, and Industrial Engineering, and have taken some classes in these fields as my electives. I love to build stuff, learn something new, and git push on a regular basis.

I'm most interested in Natural Language Processing, Data Mining, and their applications in the real world. I got my feet wet in both subjects from my internship at Ocean Tomo, LLC in Summer 2013 working on the Patents Rating System, and currently explore their more theoretical side through college classes/MOOCs and side projects.

I'm currently a Distributed Computing/Data Science Intern at Autodesk this summer! I also work with Professor Heather Haveman and Sociology graduate student Cyrus Dioun on mining information from the Bitcoin and vintage wine market data. In the fall, I plan to continue/wrap up my research commitment, TA for EECS70: Discrete Math and Probability Theory, as well as look for full-time software engineering opportunities. It's gonna be a busy semester, but I'm sure it will also be very fun and memorable!

Shoot me an email at khoatran (at) berkeley (dot) edu if you wanna chat! D: I love to talk about technology, startups, any of the subjects that I listed above, and life in general!

In my free time, I play tennis, racquetball, lift (or at least try to), watch soccer (yay World Cup!), and read books (Game of Thrones at the moment, as I cannot wait for Season 5 of the TV show xD).

Enjoy your stay on my webpage!